距上次小祝父子同樂旋轉木馬 已經是一個半月前的事了 這些日子裡胖兒已經可以獨立坐在木馬上開心向大家揮手再見 享受旋轉木馬的歡愉之中!今天利用黃昏爸爸終於有空時 踩著單車 我們又來到這...胖兒也可以跟爸爸一起搭乘旋轉木馬了喔!!可是讓爸爸開心又驚訝呢..看他們今天的父子裝 造型 是不是 很可愛呢?

(Today Reo and his father went for Merry-go-round ! His father surprised that he is so enjoy riding now爆笑 They wore the similar clothes today..Don"t you think they are look so similar ?イヤミ)

LOVE突然覺得 胖兒好像又長大了的感覺ㄟ 好喜歡這張相片!LOVE(I love the last picture and I could feel my little son has grow up a lot !男の子)


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