昨夜胖兒開始咳嗽 鼻塞 流鼻水一早只好帶他找 好久不見的 黃醫師報到去! 還好 沒大礙 帶藥藥回家後 帶他去iias購物去!超市前的可愛玩偶合照及遇到超市
辦的活動 就是3到6歲的孩子 親子一起做三明治 十分有趣ㄟ 日本很多這樣的好康 幾乎都是免費的 孩子們還戴上帽帽.圍裙.還為他們準備了超豐富的材料 還做三明治ㄟ好幸福喔!! 期待以後胖兒大一點 我們也來參加吧!!(Reo has got a cough since last night we went to see Dr in the Sunday early morning,,,Luckily it was okay,,just got some medicine for him to take Then we went shopping in the new shopping center,there was an event as Kids making Sandwichs..In Japan there are lots of events are very nice for kids,,most of them are free,,we always enjoy them very much!!! when Reo grows up, we can try this interesting event )