
今天帶2007年5月出生的小朋友去做一歲半健檢 託遙花媽有車車的福 臨時決定來去吃印度料理ㄡピザ開心!! NEW MIRA是我認為好吃的印度料理 中午的套餐也不貴 我的才850日弊 含湯 沙拉 飲料 羊肉咖哩 及無限供應 現烤熱騰騰超軟的Nam喔!! 讚讚讚!!(印度餐廳不知道到是不是都沒原則?明明點餐時說 我們的餐 沒有附湯 但是也送來了湯及飲料還2杯 一大一小的芒果Lassi 反正有送就吃吧ペロリ )小遙花妹妹 看到黃橙橙的Lassi 直說 "要喝啤酒"原來遙花妹爸爸喜歡喝啤酒 他也對啤酒有印象了...小胖則是大戰又軟又好吃的Nam..只是 我雞婆又加點了印度飯...結果就吃不下好吃的nam了号泣号泣号泣人家要吃Nam啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(因MSN更改系統 相片無法順利上傳 更多相片..請暫時見右邊相片區吧!) (Today before we brought Kids to 1year and 6 months health-check..Suddenly we decided to have Indiane foodペロリHappy!! YA!! I like New Mira restaurant,,also it is Poornima's recommdation ..It was very cheap..I ordered mutton-curry with soup.salsd.2 drinks..Mongo-llassi(We do not know why we all had 2 drinks??) Rice and nam...only cost 850 yen .The rice and Nam are all you can eat !!! Kids were also enjoy the food and Indian-dance on the TV爆笑 Haruka said "I want to drink beerイヤミ" as she thought Mongo-Lassi was funny! Reo was so busy for his rice and Nam..The food was so tasty,,,,even I was so full all day,,,,but I still miss the delicious Nam from  New Mira..ピザ Can I have one more piece ?? ) Some more photoes PLS check right side Photo Album ! Thanks虹



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